Please Copy And Paste The Below Content Into A Word Document And Send In The Filled Out Version To Us
If you are interested in providing foster care for Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc., please fill out this form and send it to: Mary Palmer, 5311 Douglas Ave #120 Racine, Wi 53402. There is no fee to apply to become a foster parent. Fostering is a very important part of our rescue program. This is a comprehensive application which may seem formal, but it is necessary for the safekeeping of our dogs. All questions must be answered or NA entered for this to be considered complete.
(please print)
Date: Referred to NMR by:
Name: Age:
Address (no P.O. Box #):
City_________________________, State________________, Zip Code____________________:
Home Phone:_________________ Cell Phone:_________________Work Phone:___________
Email Address (print clearly):
Occupation and Position Title:
Employer Name and Address:
Employer Phone Number (to verify employment):
Work schedule:
Significant Other Name: Age:
Occupation and Position Title:
Employer Name & Address:
Employer Phone Number:
Email Address: Work Phone:
Work schedule:
Why do you think you are a suitable candidate to provide foster care for a Maltese rescue?
1. If you do not have a significant other, circle one: Single Divorced Widow(er) Other:
If single: Live alone with family Other arrangement:
2. List all other adults and children living in your home: (use extra space on back if needed)
Full Name Age Relationship Occupation & Work Schedule (or Year in School)
List all children and their ages who visit your home (grandchildren, neighbors, etc.):
3. Do you or any member of your family have any on-going medical conditions (including any allergies) that might interfere with fostering a new dog? Yes No If yes, please explain:
While some people are less allergic to Maltese than to other breeds, there is no guarantee that a Maltese will not cause an allergic reaction.
4. What concerns have been voiced by other family members about providing foster care?
5. Do you own? Yes No House Condo Townhouse Farm Other:
6. Do you rent? Yes No House Apartment Condo Townhouse Other:
7. If renting does your landlord and/or tenants’ association permit pets? Yes No Please supply the following for verification:
Landlord/managing agent name: Phone Number:
8. Do you have a fenced yard attached to your home? Yes No If yes, describe your fence. What type is it and what is the area available to the dog?
9. If there is no fence, how do you plan for the dog to relieve itself?
10. Do you have a pool? Yes No If yes, is it fenced separately? Yes No
11. Are you aware of any distractions outside your yard that could be a hazard to the dog? (e.g., neighbors’ dogs, unleashed dogs, wild animals, mischievous children)? Yes No If yes, please explain:
12. Can strangers gain access to your yard from the streets? Yes No If yes, how:
13. Do you plan to move in the near future? Yes No When: Where to:
14. Do you have or have you had Maltese? Yes No If Yes, where did the dog come from, how long did you have it and what happened to it?
15. Have you ever owned other dogs? Yes No If Yes, how many years have you owned dogs and give a brief history of each one: Age Breed Gender etc
16. Have you ever fostered Maltese or other dogs before? Yes No If yes, what group were you working with?:
17. List all dogs currently in your home (use extra space on back if needed):
Age Sex Altered? Weight Breed Had How Long? Temperament – Submissive or Aggressive
18. How do you think your dogs will act with or react to a Maltese rescue?
19. List all other pets (including exotics) currently in your home (use extra space on back if needed):
Age Sex Altered? Weight Type/breed Temperament
20. Please explain how you handle behavior problems past or present with your animals:
21. Can you isolate the dog from the other animals if they cannot get along? Yes No how do you plan to do this?
22. Do you ever crate your pets? Yes No When and for how long?
23. How many hours a day will the foster dog be without people? (Be realistic and do not count time spent with dog on lunch breaks) Please include travel time to and from work.
24. If you are home for lunch, state the actual amount of time you are home:
25. Where will this dog be kept when no one is home?
26. Where will the foster dog sleep at night?
27. How often do you walk your own dog(s)? x Daily times a week Seldom Never
28. Are your dogs always supervised when they are outside? Yes No If No explain: off leash, on leash, cable, trained to stay, electric fence, wood or plastic fence?
29. Have you ever completed an obedience class with your dog(s)? Yes No To what level?
30. Are your dog(s) current on shots and vaccinations? Yes No If Yes, list:
31. Do you test for heartworm every year? Yes No Are they on heartworm medication? Yes No Which?
32. Do you use flea preventative on your dogs? Yes No If Yes, which one?
33. Is everyone in your family willing to help with the care of this dog? Yes No Who is not?
34. Do you understand that a Maltese is an indoor dog and is never to be left outside alone? Yes No
35. Who will be responsible for the Maltese when you are away more than 3-4 hours?
36. If you are away for a few days or go on vacation, who will take care of the Maltese?
37. What will the routine be if dogs do not go on a trip?
38. You may be asked to pick up a dog from a home or shelter. Will you do this? Yes No
39. How far are you willing to travel to pick up a foster dog?
40. Are you willing to participate in transport if one of our dogs needs to be moved across state(s)? Yes No
41. Occasionally we rescue two Maltese, and these dogs must stay together. Are you willing to accept 2 foster dogs? Yes No
42. There may be a rare instance where you are asked to foster more than 2 Maltese. Are you willing to do this? Yes No
43. Complete these sentences:
I can easily handle_______ foster dogs at one time.
I do not want more than______foster dog(s) at one time.
I will accept a permanent foster Maltese: Yes No
As you prepare to answer the following questions we want you to understand that a Northcentral Maltese, Inc. representative will be available to guide and assist you if you need help. It is important for you to understand that you will not be alone once you have a foster dog in your home. You will be in constant contact with a coordinator or board member.
44. Have you taken the time to learn and do you understand the temperament, socialization, grooming, health issues and proper handling requirements of a Maltese? Yes No
45. Do you understand that the foster dog must live in your home as a loved family member? Yes No
46. Do you realize that the Maltese should not be closed off in a separate room from your family? Yes No
47. Do you understand that no physical punishment is to be used on this Maltese and that you will contact a Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. representative if behavior problems arise? Yes No
48. If you have to pick up a dog, it may have ticks and fleas, have an illness or infection and badly matted hair. Are you prepared to deal with such a situation, to treat, care for, bathe and groom this Maltese? Yes No
49. Do you realize that you may have to foster for a month or more until the dog is ready or able to be placed? Yes No
Foster care providers may have to deal with behavior issues. These may include but are not limited to house training, excessive barking; fear of children, submissive wetting, marking territory or nipping at heals.
50. Do you feel you are capable and prepared to deal with any behavior issues? Yes No
51. Do you understand that dogs that come from a puppy mill may have very different behavior patterns than dogs that are surrendered by an owner? Yes No
52. Do you realize that some foster dogs may have been abused and you will be expected to help the dog learn to trust humans again? Yes No
53. Do you understand that you are expected to administer any medication or treatment the dog may need? Yes No
54. Do you understand you are expected to socialize the dog if needed, helping it to adjust to your new environment? Yes No
There are two main reasons why a Maltese bites: one, they bite out of fear, and two, they bite because of a dominance issue. Biting out of fear requires a gentle and calm hand to gain the dog’s trust. If the biting is caused by a dominance issue,
55. If the dog is known to bit problem are you prepared to handle the situation and how would you do that?
56. Maltese need to be brushed several times a week if their hair is long. Are you prepared to do this? Yes No
57. Do you have the proper tools and products for bathing, brushing and grooming? Yes No If No will you get them? Yes No
58. If you send a dog to a groomer do you understand it is at your own expense? Yes No The only exception is for a dog coming into rescue for the first time.
59. Maltese have daily exercise requirements. Do you understand these needs, and are you prepared to meet them? Yes No
60. Do you have all the necessary equipment to make this dog comfortable (crate and/or exercise pen, blanket or other soft bed to rest on, bowls, leash, harness, etc.)? Yes No If you are in our area we may be able to provide some items.
61. Do you understand that you are expected to contact a Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. representative if you need help with any problem? Yes No
62. Please describe any other arrangements you have made to provide for the needs of a foster Maltese:
63. Please give us the names of two (2) personal references (not relatives):
Name: Phone:
How do you know this person?
Name: Phone:
How do you know this person?
64. Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. will contact your veterinarian. Please contact him/her prior to our call and give permission for us to discuss your past pet history.
Veterinarian Business Name:
Phone Number:
City, State, Zip Code:
65. We will also contact your groomer. Please contact him/her prior to our call and give permission for us to discuss your past pet history.
Phone Number:
City, State, Zip Code:
Please use this space for any additional information you feel is important.
All the information in this application is true and correct, and I understand and agree to abide by the terms and conditions herein. I understand that any misrepresentation of the facts may result in my not being approved to provide Maltese foster care or the removal of the foster dog from my home by Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc.
Signed: Date:
Return this application and the Foster Care Contract with your signatures on both documents to: Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc., c/o Mary Palmer, 5311 Douglas Ave #120, Racine, WI 53402. Feel free to include pictures of your home and family if you have them. You will be contacted by the Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. President or a Board Member for a telephone interview and a home visit if possible.
Before a dog can be placed in your home you must sign and send us the Foster Care Contract which is included below.
I,____________________________________ , do hereby enter into this contract with Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. of my own free will and agree to give foster care and shelter as a temporary custodian to rescued Maltese dogs for a limited period of time. I further know and understand that Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. does not have complete prior knowledge of the rescued dogs’ health and temperament, and I shall take all necessary precautions to protect myself and others who might come into contact with the dog(s). I understand and agree that I shall not hold Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. responsible for any injury, illness or disease contracted by any dogs or other animals privately owned, or for property damage or harm to other dogs or persons who may come into contact with a foster dog(s) while it is in my care. In addition, I shall not damage the reputation of, or make slanderous or insulting remarks about Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. with the intent to harm the integrity of the organization.
1. I agree that the dog(s) I am fostering shall not be removed from my address or disposed of, and I shall immediately contact Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. and return the foster(s) immediately should some problem or circumstance arise and I am no longer willing or able to care for, look after or keep the Maltese in my home in the manner which Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. expects from its foster care providers.
2. I understand that Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. shall be responsible for the payment of all necessary veterinary care of the Maltese while the dog is in my care, but any veterinary visit cannot be made without prior approval from the Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. President or Vice President, except in the case of a life or death emergency. Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc will pay veterinary costs via credit card by phone with your vet if visits are necessary. If for anyreason NMR does not make phone payment I shall keep a record of the approval with the date. I further understand and agree that I may be asked to pay for all veterinary care, if necessary, until such reimbursement of funds is made by Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. I shall maintain clear and accurate records of all expenditures and keep original receipts, and I realize that no reimbursement shall be made until all such records are received by Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc.
3. I understand that no payments of any kind for any type of service will be reimbursed unless approved by an Executive Committee Board Member (Mary Palmer 262-800-3323 or Trudy Peischl 509-968-9001. In order to be reimbursed for expenses for the foster dog(s) I shall itemize on a separate sheet: the date of the expenditure, the date of approval given by the Board Member for that expenditure, a clear explanation of what the expenditure was for and the total amount to be reimbursed. I shall submit this to Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. along with the original receipts.
4. I am fully aware that under no circumstances shall a Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. Maltese be bred or be allowed to breed, and I shall take all necessary precautions to prevent this from happening. I agree to keep all Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. dogs in safe, sanitary and healthy conditions and to provide them with love and attention to help them overcome any fear or aggressiveness that causes unacceptable behavior. I understand and agree that all Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. rescued dogs must be spayed or neutered and be provided with basic medical care provided by Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc..
5. I understand that under no circumstances does Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. pay for boarding at a foster home. This is a volunteer organization that does not pay foster care providers for their time or services in any way.
6. I shall, upon request, release any Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. foster dog to a representative of the organization within 24 hours of the request by a Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. officer or their representative.
7. I understand that I have no authority to place or promise any foster dog in my care to any home other than my own without permission from an officer of Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. This includes returning the dog to its original owner.
8. In the event of abuse or injury to any of the foster dogs, or damage to the reputation of Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc., I accept that I may be liable for $1000.00 plus liquidated damages for breach of contract. In the case of a breach of contract, the foster dog(s) must be returned immediately, with all paperwork included, to Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. at my sole expense. This contract shall be governed by the laws of the State of Wisconsin or the State in which I reside.
I enter into this contract with Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. with the full knowledge that I will be responsible for the safety and well-being of the Maltese while it is in my care, and I shall abide by all agreements and understandings set forth in this Foster Care Application and Contract.
Foster Signature (s)____________________________________________________Date________
Email Address (print clearly)________________________________________________
Telephone; Home__________________________________Cell________________________
Northcentral Maltese, Inc. Representative
If you have any questions regarding this agreement and contract, please contact us.