Foster & Volunteer
Without the valuable help of dedicated volunteers, rescues cannot survive and continue. These people are willing to donate their time and a little bit of effort to support the rescue cause. This is one area where your work really can make a difference, and you will feel the warmth and satisfaction that comes with knowing you have contributed to the happiness of one little dog.
Foster care is one of the most important functions of any rescue. These homes serve as “half-way houses” for our little dogs. They are especially valuable when a dog comes from a place where they have been neglected, abused or denied much human contact. These dogs may be sick and/or fearful, and they may need personal care and attention to recover from their illnesses and stressful life before they are ready to be placed.
All of the dogs that come to Northcentral Maltese Rescue are given a thorough check-up by a veterinarian. Some are in need of immediate veterinary care and immunizations, and others just need to adjust to family life and having people or other pets around. These dogs are not ready to be placed right away into a permanent forever home. A foster family provides a warm, loving temporary home for the rescues while they are recovering from an illness or disease, adjusting to the “outside” world, or just waiting to be ready for placement.
The job of fostering may be short term and easy, or long term and challenging, depending on the needs of the dog, but it is always rewarding to see these little white fluffies regain their trust in humans, confidence and personalities while in your care. You know you are helping these dogs adjust to a new life, and you are giving them a great base from which to start the bright days of their future.
Providing foster care can be the most demanding, but it is the most worthwhile contribution you can make for these dogs. If you are interested in providing a foster home for Maltese rescue dog, please fill out the Northcentral Maltese Rescue, Inc. Foster Care Application and return it to the address below, or call Mary at 262-800-3323.
North Central Maltese Rescue Inc
care of Mary Palmer
5311 Douglas Avenue #120
Racine, WI 53402

We are headquartered in Southeast Wisconsin, but we have nationwide coverage and have received dogs from many states. Where ever you are located, there may come a time when we may need to call on you for help. Below are just a few of the very important volunteer services you can provide.